Love, for me, still remains the strongest force. From days of old when Shakespeare took quill pen to ink, to Jackie De Shannon’s vocals.
From the endless novels, songs, and movies that compel us to want more from life, we too want the same romantic idyll and euphoric feelings that finding ‘true love’ brings. As a wedding photographer, I have had the humble privilege of witnessing this larger than life, incredible force. From couples who have found their soul mates; at the ripe young age of 10, only to marry decades later, to couples who found a second chance at love in their golden years, from meeting on a tour bus, or in high school halls, online dating sites, or broken & stalled elevators. Our imagery is as unique as your lives together. Your story is important, every part of it, and I want to use my gift to capture it and show it to you.
Besides my formal training and years of perfecting my trade, my work is a collaboration of us!
You inspire my creativity, and we create beautiful photos, together.
If I could give marrying couples any support to help them obtain better imagery at their wedding, it would be this:
Simply be your wonderful, authentic, you. My camera captures everything; your happiness, your love, and everything in between. Your wedding day is a celebration of your union with your dearest friends and family.
Although we get just as giddy about your beautiful Couture wedding gown, what we really love is the smile that you wear on your face the moment you first see your fiancé at the end of the aisle, or the way he/she kisses your forehead after seeing you hug your niece. These moments are the ones we desire for you and from you. The truly authentic, madly in love, till death do us part, Romeo & Juliet, timeless moments, where your love shines above all else. These are the moments you want to encapsulate in time forever and breathe on your wedding day, with me.
We do understand that the details, the meetings and all of the planning matters, but after spending hours on Pinterest and letting us and your event planner know your preferences (Which we love; we want and need to know, as I customize each shoot, in regards to locations, combinations of photos, etc.) on your wedding day, get like Disney and LET IT GO.
Trust that you have hired professionals and allow us to take the reins and take care of you.
We are very thorough with our questionnaires, our meetings, and our phone calls so that every couple feels confident, so they can fully enjoy and have fun. This allows us the freedom to use our creative license to the fullest extent of our abilities.
We love it when the couple can let go and be fully immersed in the day that they’ve been waiting, and planning for.
Now that you know about how to be a carefree bride and groom on the inside, here are a few tips to keep in mind for the outside.
You might have dreamt of your Cinderella dress since you were 9, but you had no idea of how your body was going to mature, thus, choose a dress/style that flatters your physique.
Take your wisest, most sincere, friend to be another set of eyes, and a little tough love, to help pick out your dress.
Most brides lose weight as their big day approaches, and last minute tweaks to your alterations will solidify a perfect fit. Make sure you find a seamstress who can provide last minute support with quick, quality alterations.
When it comes to makeup – Please, hire a professional. Not only will your make up look flawless but if they stay-your make-up will as well. Having to reapply your makeup on yourself all day can take time and effort away from your wedding (and your photos!).
Think about hiring a dresser for your wedding. Having a ‘dresser’ prevents us from having to stop the action to fix the dress or the shirt that is bellowing outward; most bridal shops offer dresser services, and they can be a key hire for your wedding day.
(If your budget allows, keep your dresser or make-up artist there till you walk down the aisle.)
Pro Tip: For men, tuck your shirt through your boxers & down your leg before putting your pants on. The elastic band will make for a smoother, flatter fit.
So Come Rain or Come Shine,
(either by Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, B B King & Eric Clapton)
“You gonna love” your photos.
With Love,
Terri Diamond
New York, NY.